Curriculum Development Department

As a leader in the language training industry in Canada, the Curriculum Development Department of the Institute of Modern Languages offers curriculum services to Federal government Departments and Agencies, Nascent Universities and Colleges, Businesses, Diplomatic Missions and to international clients around the world.

Certain businesses and/or Federal government Departments and Agencies, prefer to have their own in-house language programs to sending their employees out for training. To put in a place a viable and functional in-house training program, these businesses need to develop a course content that will address adequately their operational needs. Our department develops in-depth curricula of all shapes and sizes tailored specifically to those needs. The instructional methodology and teaching strategies we provide to accompany the curricula we develop, reinforce further the acquisition of our clients’ objectives.

Furthermore, we provide a follow-up service to inspect how the course outlines are serving our clients and to provide any technical support if needed. Send us your inquiries by filling the below form and submitting it to us. Someone will contact you immediately to arrange an appointment.